

Billie Jean Is Not My Lover - A 4Chan Thriller (PHOTO)

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Billie Jean (Single Version)What a thriller of an ending... I can't think of another ending that would have beat it.

  • be 14

  • be forced to hang out with my cousin

  • cousin's name is billie

  • go to a shopping centre

  • pick up chicks

  • group of 3

  • 1 fat chick

  • 2 with dat ass

  • fat chick leaves

  • fuckyeah.jpg

  • both like the 1 girl

  • girl's name is jean

  • get her number

  • be friends for 1 year

  • cousin admits he's in love with her

  • cousin asks out jean

  • rejects him tells him she loves me

  • cousin gets mad

  • y u mad tho?

  • she explains that she's pregnant with my child

  • billie comes over to my house

  • demands explanation

  • i tell him

  • billie jean is not my lover

  • she's just a girl who says that I am the one

  • but the kid is not my son

Billie Jean On 4Chan (PHOTO)

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